Sunday, January 24, 2010

Noisy Neighbors What to Do When You Rent a Home

(My Original Blog Post:
When you rent a home, one of the disadvantages could be a conflict with a noisy neighbor. This article will share with you what to do at first, and what to do if that does not work, and when you might want to contact the authorities.

1 comment:


    Here's how to end the noisy boombox plague:
    Ask some poor wretch if he'd like to have a ten- or twenty-dollar bill. If his answer is Yes, tell him about your noisy boombox neighbor and then say:
    "The money is yours if you can figure out something so I won't have to hear that guy's boombox again. Don't kill him or beat him up. But do whatever you have to do to silence that Hollywoodized lowlife!"
    Believe me, this is VERY effective. Heard of the VAB's? They're the "Vigilantes Against Boomboxes." Or you can start your own vigilante group.
    Reactions, anyone?

    [from Karl's Kastle in Mitchell County, Kansas]
